Black Friday Predictions 2023

Black Friday used to be the biggest shopping day, but things are different now. It’s not just one day anymore; it can last for days or even weeks. Stores have started their Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving Day, the day before Thanksgiving, and sometimes the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Day Shopping

When stores began opening on Thanksgiving for Black Friday sales, many people didn’t like it. To avoid this problem, some stores now only offer Black Friday deals online on Thanksgiving Day, and they keep their physical stores closed. So, Thanksgiving Day has become a big day for online shopping. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, known as Thanksgiving Eve, has also become popular for stores to start their Black Friday sales. They want to get shoppers interested early so that they spend their holiday shopping money in their stores.

Black Friday 2023: Something New

Because of the pandemic in 2020, Black Friday shopping changed a lot. This year will be different too. Most stores will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, just like last year. But they will open early on Black Friday like they used to. More people will probably go to the stores this year compared to 2020 because stores are following safety rules like wearing masks and keeping some space between customers. Black Friday and Pre-Black Friday sales will start early because shoppers want to get deals before they run out. There are worries that some things might be in short supply because of problems with getting products to the stores.

Popular Stores for Black Friday 2023:

Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, Target, and More!

Amazon is the king of online shopping, but Walmart is the king of Black Friday. BestBuy, Target, Kohl’s, and Macy’s are also popular. People will be looking for deals on Apple’s iPhones, Macs, iPads, and other gadgets. But don’t expect Apple Stores to have big discounts.

Some phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile, along with stores like BestBuy, might give you gift cards worth up to $300 when you buy an iPhone. Walmart, Target, BestBuy, and Amazon will probably have the cheapest laptops, TVs, and video games.

Amazon is likely to have great deals on things like Echo Dots, Ring devices, Fire tablets, and Kindles because they are in competition with other companies. Google might also have discounts on Nest products, including Nest Cameras and Nest Doorbells.

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